Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy
The Feisty Feminist?
The first post introduces Elizabeth, the Manchester girl whose mother died days after her birth and goes on to change women’s lives for ever. In each of my posts I will explore her achievements in challenging male power.
She worked with a range of other feminists during many campaigns and I will also introduce these women to you along the way.
These posts will offer you a taster as I work on my book that will offer you a full picture of the work of this amazing woman.
Manchester: radical city home to Elizabeth
Growing up in the radical hotbed of Manchester, Elizabeth experienced the many barriers faced by women. Challenging these became her life’s work.
Meet Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy: the feisty feminist?
Welcome to my first post about Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy, truly a feisty feminist who laid the foundations upon which many of our laws today are built.